Dear Ladies As the year closes it is often a time of reflection - either thank goodness that year is over or where did that year go? 2016 has been a busy year for us between settling back into life in the UK properly, painting and furnishing the house, getting used to and working in the a garden – something we have not had for a long time as well as volunteering to set up a new WI in Uckfield. It has nearly been a full time job at times made all the better by a great team, Carol Jan, Sam, Julie, Helen, Ginny, Clair and Cathie who all work very hard in the background to make the evening meetings run smoothly. It is all done voluntarily so I thank them all. Our first Public outing as a WI was our Christmas tree in the Festival of trees at Holy Cross Church our tree looked fantastic. I do hope you managed to get to see all the lovely trees that were there. Our glittery jam jars and bobble hats were a hit and we had lots of compliments about our tree. The same week we were out in red aprons as we took a stall at the Uckfield late night shopping event. A cold but dry evening, luckily we were in a marquee. The jam sold out! We have a few toilet rolls left and a few bags of reindeer food should you need some. Thank you to Meg who made some lovely tree decorations that also all sold. The total amount raised was around £130. Well done to all. Thank you to everyone who helped pre sale and to those who helped sell at the stall or who popped by as many of you did –to say hello. We met many local ladies who were keen to see what we get up to as a WI, including a couple of husbands!! January is the time for membership renewal. Sam will send you all a renewal membership form after Christmas please bring it completed to the January 2017 meeting. There will be instructions of how to pay by PayPal, Cash or Cheque, which ever is easier for you. Membership is £39 for the year. We have a great 2017 planned for you starting with the Cheese man at our January meeting. We are confirming some speakers - belly dancing, beekeeping talk and a pamper evening are all being planned as well as much more. Keep an eye on the website for regular updates. More news at our January meeting. Finally as I will not be at the December meeting can I take this opportunity to wish you and all of your families a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2017. Yours In Friendship Davina
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December 2017
AuthorSamantha Thurley Categories |