Dear Ladies As the year closes it is often a time of reflection - either thank goodness that year is over or where did that year go? 2016 has been a busy year for us between settling back into life in the UK properly, painting and furnishing the house, getting used to and working in the a garden – something we have not had for a long time as well as volunteering to set up a new WI in Uckfield. It has nearly been a full time job at times made all the better by a great team, Carol Jan, Sam, Julie, Helen, Ginny, Clair and Cathie who all work very hard in the background to make the evening meetings run smoothly. It is all done voluntarily so I thank them all. Our first Public outing as a WI was our Christmas tree in the Festival of trees at Holy Cross Church our tree looked fantastic. I do hope you managed to get to see all the lovely trees that were there. Our glittery jam jars and bobble hats were a hit and we had lots of compliments about our tree. The same week we were out in red aprons as we took a stall at the Uckfield late night shopping event. A cold but dry evening, luckily we were in a marquee. The jam sold out! We have a few toilet rolls left and a few bags of reindeer food should you need some. Thank you to Meg who made some lovely tree decorations that also all sold. The total amount raised was around £130. Well done to all. Thank you to everyone who helped pre sale and to those who helped sell at the stall or who popped by as many of you did –to say hello. We met many local ladies who were keen to see what we get up to as a WI, including a couple of husbands!! January is the time for membership renewal. Sam will send you all a renewal membership form after Christmas please bring it completed to the January 2017 meeting. There will be instructions of how to pay by PayPal, Cash or Cheque, which ever is easier for you. Membership is £39 for the year. We have a great 2017 planned for you starting with the Cheese man at our January meeting. We are confirming some speakers - belly dancing, beekeeping talk and a pamper evening are all being planned as well as much more. Keep an eye on the website for regular updates. More news at our January meeting. Finally as I will not be at the December meeting can I take this opportunity to wish you and all of your families a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2017. Yours In Friendship Davina Newsletter
Hello Ladies. I would like to thank all of you who attended the Annual Meeting last Wednesday. We welcomed all of our potential new members and guests including Gill Noakes (County WI Chair) Lee Ede from Westham evening WI and Clare Biddiscombe-Woolgar from Polegate Sundowners who are both trainee WI Advisors. Two members from Ringmer WI Susan James and Carol McDougal also joined us. CoppaFeel The evening started with a wonderful display of the “Pimp your Bra” Challenge. Wow you all have great imaginations and a great sense of fun. I know every one including our guests loved seeing all your creations. Our speakers from Coppa Feel were in awe. Never had a group issued such a challenge quite like this at one of their talks –they loved it. Sarah and Hannah spoke eloquently of their own experiences. They reminded us all to check our own boobs once a month, it takes less than 5 minutes. If you find something abnormal go to your GP and tell them. The earlier it’s found the better it is for you. 1 in 8 women will experience breast cancer in their lifetime and it’s not only women – 400 men are diagnosed every year. For more information go to you can even sign up for a monthly “check you boob “ reminder text. AND THE WINNER WAS If you were unable to attend the annual meeting - you can see all of the photos on the Uckfield Divas WI Face book Page and Gallery page on the website. Congratulations to Jan Crowhurst whose wonderful bra was chosen by Gill Nokes as our Winner. The Annual Meeting went well with the occasional help from Gill with the reminders that members had to have a show of hands! I will add them to my notes for the 2017 A.M agenda and try to remember them! It was agreed by all to add a further two committee members as signatures to our bank account. (Two signatures are required for every Cheque.) On your behalf I thanked the Cinque Ports for all their support for our monthly meetings. We are grateful to their committee and members of staff. The founding 2016 committee was thanked and the 2016- 2017 committee was welcomed. There then followed an official vote for your President and I would like to thank all of you – a unanimous vote for me to continue as your President. I must be doing something right. Thank you. Your Committee Davina Lloyd - President Carol Battell - Vice President Janice Moorey - Vice President Samantha Thurley - Secretary (and Social Media ) Julie Kirrage - Treasurer Helen Cheney - Assistant Treasurer Ginny Taylor - Speaker Coordinator Clair May - Events Coordinator Cathie Corbin - Events Coordinator We Need Your Help. We will need your help on the stall during the Uckfield late night shopping evening. December 2nd - Lets show Uckfield what a FAB or should that be ABFAB group of ladies we are. Thank you to all of you who donated the wool, Fruit, sugar, jam jars -tiny and normal size. More of both sizes of jars are needed please. Contact [email protected] if you have jars to donate we will tell you where to drop them off. I don’t think I have ever seen so many inners of toilet rolls. Hopefully we have enough of them to make our “ hats” Our November meeting will be two make over demonstrations by Sussex Academy of Makeup and the making of the Christmas tree decorations for our tree at the “Festival of Christmas trees in Holy Cross Church - Panic not - no skills required you will be shown how and what to do. Once again thank you for your vote of confidence in me as your President and your committee. I look forward to seeing you all on 16th November meeting. Yours in Friendship Davina Lloyd THANK YOU. Thank you. Thank you for generously supporting Uckfield Food bank Uckfield Divas W.I Donated a grand total of 44.38Kg Each item given will help us to continue providing emergency food to local people facing crisis. This will help provide approximately 178 Meals to our local community. ![]() Our pre-loved clothes sale was a huge hit with you all. I do hope you enjoyed the event as it was a lot of hard work for a few people. Thank you Carol for organising this event and Julie for helping on the night. All donated clothes, shoes and bags have been donated to the British Heart foundation, they were very pleased to receive them. Would you like another Pre - loved sale? Our Webpage is now live We also have Facebook , Twitter, Instagram and a Pinterest page, like us and follow. Uckfield Divas Sub Groups Send a message to your interest group [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ( knitting sewing etc.) [email protected] (arts,painting,scrapbooking etc. ) [email protected] We still need leaders / volunteers for some of the groups to start ![]() The Book club–update: We will be meeting every other month sometimes day time sometimes evenings. We will chose two books between the group for the bimonthly read however you only need to acquire one book as we will share- and pass around to save cost for everyone. We may read classics, new books or even an old favourite. The group members have some suggested reads for the summer months. ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’- Harper Lee ‘The Power and the Glory-Graham Green ‘After you’ - the sequel to ‘ Me before you ‘ - Jojo Moyles Our First BOOK choice is" The one-in-a-million Boy" by Monica Wood. Next meeting is on 23 August 2016 at 10am For further details contact [email protected]
Fashion Show This looks like a great night out anyone want to go Date: Thursday pm the 21st July Venue: Heathfield Community Centre in conjunction with Travelling Trends ( They buy current stock from popular High Street Stores together with some more upmarket labels and are on sale at very reduced prices. Four WI members will be sharing the catwalk and you will then have the opportunity to examine the very large variety of stock - all ages and sizes are catered for and you only buy if you so wish Cost: Tickets are £8.00 which includes a drink of your choice - wine or fruit juice - and an individual bag of nibbles. There will be a raffle and tea/coffee/biscuits will be available at the end of the evening. Who wants to go? Contact Davina at [email protected] OR Tickets are available from H/Q - Falcon Way, Hailsham, BN27 1HY Tel. - 01323 442592 E MAIL - [email protected] Other Events going on & Messages from our members: Messages from the NFWI 1.Re: CWGC Living Memory Project The NFWI has been contacted by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) to invite WIs to get involved in its new Living Memory project which is running throughout summer and autumn 2016. The Living Memory project is offering funding and resources to community groups to enable them to visit and remember those buried in local sites in the UK throughout the centenary of the Somme from 1July – 18 November 2016. Of the 300,000 war graves or commemorations that are cared for by the CWGC here in the UK 2,000 belong to women who died while serving in the two World Wars. The CWGC has produced resources to help WIs identify a CWGC site near them, do some research about some of those buried in that site and stage a commemorative event – in their own way and reflecting their own interests – to remember those who lost their lives in the 141 days of the Somme. Interested WIs should contact the CWGC directly, via one of the methods below: Website: Email: [email protected] Facebook Twitter @CWGC #LivingMemory Would you kindly pass this information onto your WIs. With best wishes, Karin Gumble Education Grants Office NFWI Resolution Submission 2016/17 An email from NFWI about submitting resolutions to NFWI for next year. The East Sussex Federation Resolutions Adviser is Stephanie Gaunt, a member of the ESFWI Board of Trustees and Hastings Ore WI. Stephanie is on hand to help WIs formulate a resolution and submit it to NFWI and can be contacted by email: [email protected] Dear WIs Following a successful Annual Meeting where delegates passed two resolutions for the WI to campaign on, the NFWI is now accepting resolution submissions for the 2016/17 resolutions process. Please note: • Individual WIs may submit more than one resolution: Resolutions need to be proposed by a member and passed at a WI meeting. WIs can pass as many resolutions as they wish for consideration in the resolutions process. • Individual federations may submit more than one resolution: Federations can also submit their own resolutions. These need to be proposed and passed at a federation meeting. As with WIs, federations can submit as many resolutions as they wish. • Federations do not need to vote on or approve each resolution from WIs in their federation: As mentioned in the role of the federation above, the role of the resolution adviser is to help ensure the resolution is worded properly and meets the aims of a resolution. This is a role for the adviser/representative, and does not require a vote from the federation board. • This year the NFWI will be more proactive on resolution wording and will propose new wording for weak resolutions when they go on the longlist. • A paper copy of the submission form is not required by the NFWI. If a WI submits their submission through the online form we would just need the resolutions adviser or federation representative to email [email protected] to confirm that they have approved it. It is not necessary for the WI to complete a paper form. We are hoping to receive as many resolutions as possible this year, so get thinking about the issues that you would like to see the WI campaigning on and submit a resolution. If you have any questions at any point during the resolutions process please get in touch with the NFWI public affairs team. We are on hand to answer any queries, clear up any confusion, or support you in advising on resolution submissions. Kind Regards, Oliver Hicks-Pattison Research & Campaigns Officer NEWSLETTER Hello Ladies It was good to see so many of you at our Salsa evening this week. I hope you all had fun. It was a lively evening and for those of you that didn’t manage to join us this month, we missed you.
Sub groups and Sign-up Sheets: Plenty of you signed up at the Salsa night for the first lot of groups. We do need coordinators for some of them and will be contacting members separately with all the information you need. Please do let us know if you would like to be involved in setting up these groups as they won’t be able to run without coordinators! Don’t worry if your interest group is not in this first wave of sign-up sheets, please contact Davina for help to get started. Remember, this is your WI, so we need you to suggest, participate and lead these groups. Here are some pointers to get you going - pick a start date pick a time, am or pm a location to meet be open minded and willing to try something different pass on your own skills and knowledge start today!! STOP PRESS!!: Uckfield Divas Web site – Will be launched very soon. More on this on our Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram, and there will be a run through of the site at the June meeting. June 15th meeting: Our first Charity speaker: Uckfield Food Bank & PRELOVED CLOTHES SALE Did you know 24% of people in Uckfield live below the poverty line? It’s a worrying figure in 2016, so to show our support, we would like to donate to the Uckfield bank. If you would like to, you can help by bringing one or more of the following items to our June meeting, which we will then take to the food bank: Tinned fruit Tea bags Instant coffee UHT milk Sugar (500g) Biscuits or snack bars Tinned vegetables Sponge pudding Tinned rice pudding/custard Tinned meat/fish We will organise delivery of the items to the local food bank the next day ![]() Pre loved clothes sale: An opportunity to sell up to 5 items of clean clothing including pairs of shoes, as well as buy from other members! These can be men’s, women’s or children’s clothing. Please bring items on hangers, we will have rails and tags for sellers (see illustration right) Please mark your clothes as shown All unsold items can be donated to the British Heart Foundation shop in Uckfield if you would rather not take them back home. All money goes to the seller of the items. Carol will run this event and will co-ordinate with you separately once your clothes have been sold. This is a trial event, and if successful we may do it again. Future Meeting Dates June 15th September 21st October 19th November 16th December 14th January 18th
December 2017
AuthorSamantha Thurley Categories |